James has work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am proud and excited beyond what my heart and mind can fully comprehend in one day... hence the reason for taking to long to process and share all the details.... alas, this entry will not be that particular entry. :-p But I will say that the lists of things to do, wish lists, things to get, etc. is in overdrive! :-)
I am currently with the inlaws again until the $$ comes in for us to select a house/duplex/town home. I asked J what I should do in the meantime... because this time of waiting is different from all the previous ones. I know that it won't be indefinite. I know that he's doing everything in his power to get us reunited, with making himself indispensable at his workplace. He's motivated. I'm motivated. You can feel the anticipation and expectation in our kids. We know that the next time we get on an airplane or take a long road trip, it's to move into our own little place to call "Home."
He suggested that I plan. As I so frequently use to do. Make lists. As I so naturally did in the past. Do research as I have grown to practice in the last 5 years. 5 YEARS! I can hardly believe that we are reaching the 5 year mark of our distinct journey together as "one."
With so many "close calls" to jobs in the last 4 months, I've been so scared to plan. to make lists. to "just tasting" consistency, ownership, and sanctuary. My treasure and true home are truly nowhere near this planet or in the material trappings of this current residence called earth. I've been living the nomad life and learning lessons some very important life lessons about people, Christ, the Church, Scripture, and especially myself. I can't say that I'm now "completely ready to take on all the responsibilities of running my own home" but I can say that I'd like to step into it now that God has seen fit to bless us with it. =)
Some of the initial goals that started knocking around in my brain last night:
Our home must be a sanctuary where we want and can return to to rest, recuperate, renew, and rejuvenate.
But I also want it to have an "open door" policy where other soul-weary travelers of this world can taste the riches of God's blessings and rest to us.
And somehow also encourage each of its members to go back out into the crazy, noisy, hurting world to share the love and hope of Christ, as well as offer healing, help, and fun! =)
Want to research:
What flowers/fauna do or don't grow in the NW (hibiscus? gerber daisies? orchids? palms? mock orange hedges?)
What seasons to plant veggies?
Best places to get paint, furniture, yard deco., and outdoor gear?
Churches, daycares, preschools, libraries, children's theater and choir organizations, swimming lessons, bike paths, hiking trails....
And call me crazy, but the whole 5th anniversary has got me thinking a renewal of vows ceremony for our 10th anniversary:
Colors - red wine, plum, chocolate&coffee, sunshine yellow, and cream
Maids - Hannah, Dayna, Julie, Bethany, Virginia, Megan
Photography - Josiah Dasher
Videography - Chris Rhoades
Music - Clair de Lune
Location - ??????? CO, HI, WA, OR ????????